Mandy Moore showed her house in Pasadena


Mandy Moore became a star in 1999, at the tender age of 15, by launching her first single "Candy" at the same time and getting up with her first role on the big screen in Walk to Remember. In 2002, she bought her first independent home in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

"I lived there for 15 years, and although the house has undergone some repairs, I have never felt it completely. I bought it when I was 18 and I did not really know myself, "she told Architectural Digest today.

The house you see in the photos is the second for Mandy and she thinks she's buying it has opened a new chapter in her life – already as an elderly woman.

Moore's new home that she shares with his fiancé Taylor Goldsmith of rock band Dawes and Johnny and Jackson is really dazzling.Goldsmith bought the house in Pasadena, California, a year ago, shortly after her engagement.It is located at the top of the house. a hill and offers a view of the San Gabriel mountains.It was built in the clbadic style of the 1950s

"We fell in love with the views, in the pool, in the courtyard, but especially in the energy from the place ", Moore recalls

The interior that Mandy creates with the help of an architect from the city. interior, can be described as fresh, simple, bright and modern. "I do not strongly attach to material things.The furniture we chose is just in line with the architecture of the house – we do not have much of what is precious or expensive" , she says [19659902] See the house of Mandy Moore in our gallery

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