Maradona is excused for the "theft" of the 2018 World Cup


Argentine football legend Diego Maradona apologized for his Twitter account to FIFA over his criticism of US judge Marc Geiger after the World Cup eighth-final match between Colombia and the United States. England. The English won 4: 3 after a penalty shoot-out after regulation time and extra time ended 1: 1. 19679003 Maradona called Margher Geiger's "flight" job. The legendary footballer thinks the judge contributed to the British quarter-finals. "I said a few things that day and I admit that some of them are unacceptable, I apologize to FIFA and its president, I absolutely respect the work judges, "said Maradona

. "Maradona's reactions are totally useless and totally unreasonable, and FIFA regrets that she has read such statements from a player who wrote the story of our game," said the World Federation. of football. [ad_2]
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