Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Donkey Kong Adventure Review (Switch eShop)


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Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle was one of the Switch's first delights, inviting Mario and his friends into a fantastic Tactical RPG turn-based it even managed to make us love these little Raving Rabbids. However, its great gameplay was almost beyond its pure charm and the obvious loads of love that had clearly been dumped into the project. All this excited us to support the DLC expansion of the game – Donkey Kong Adventure – and we are very pleased to announce that things are still so beautiful.

Let's start by explaining that this is really an extension of the main game; Rather than play as a sequel, the story takes us on an alternative adventure that takes place alongside the main shenanigans. You will need to have completed the first world of the main game in order to play because some plot points focus on what happens during that first boss fight.

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The story is a little less dominant than before, with an intro scene Comic seeing Rabbid Peach casually hooking his phone into a very dangerous washing machine, accidentally flipping himself and Beep-O through time and space. It is not long before Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky appear on the scene, and together, the quartet is ready to explore a new series of battles, trying to repair the washing machine once and for all.

Guessed by the title of the expansion, the gameplay is very much centered around DK itself, but much more than we originally imagined. Yes, he is clearly the star of the show and he has unique abilities, but the scenes are fully built and designed around how DK can be used, bringing a whole new way to plan and organize attacks. as a team.

His moves are wild enough, and in some ways he feels pretty empowered. His main attacks are a banana throw, which acts like a boomerang hitting several opponents, and a pound on the ground that can also inflict serious damage to several enemies. A separate special attack uses a bongo dance to draw him a lot of opponents, and the combination with the pound can be devastating, erasing several rabbits at one time

<img src = "http: //images.nintendolife .com / screenshots / 90788 / 900x.jpg "alt =" Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Donkey Kong Adventures Review – Screenshot He can also move on the scenes with ease, swaying from platform to platform via the spaces 'NSP' on the map In addition to this, he can pick up opponents, teammates and even elementary blocks on the stage, cast them to inflict additional damage and provide mobility options Donkey Kong tour is a real joy, and his wide variety of moves gives you several tactical options in every battle.Evaluate the particular disposition of the battle before you can jump can remember give you a good idea of ​​the best way to use his collection of attacks.

Fighting alongside DK are Rabbid Peach and Rabbid Cranky. Rabbid Peach plays and plays exactly the same way as in the main game (which is appreciated because she is usually a very useful character), and Cranky acts as another very offensive option. He can attack multiple enemies at once with his cane – which doubles as a bow and arrow – and inflicts additional damage when he is cast by a teammate. It can also annoy opponents to sleep using a special movement, making them essentially useless for a ride. You will find that your team can face your opponents a little easier this time, either with their solid pool of moves, or with a little play under the hood, and the game progresses at a slightly faster pace.

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While the three characters are awesome and naturally make a great team, it has a level of repetition that does not make it easy. was not present in the main game. Before, you could choose which of the eight different characters you wanted to take in a battle, completely mixing your tactics on the fly for each turn, but this DLC requires you to use those same three teammates for each battle. DK is absolutely fantastic, but we would have liked to see what he could do alongside other characters like Luigi or Rabbid Mario, for example, and this lack of additional strategy removes something from the experience in general.

everything is completely separate from your main backup file. All your weapons and all your skill trees start from scratch, and the items you unlock are different from those found in the full game. There is obvious evidence about the initial release, and having gone through this game helps first, but it's a very different experience – almost as if it was a mode different rather than an extension of history.

into four new areas, each with their own unique themes such as "Lagoon" and "Jungle". They are not as visually varied as the main game, but they have a new twist DK that adds a layer of love to the procedures. The soundtrack was infused with little nods to the Donkey Kong franchise, collectibles now resemble puzzle pieces that are present in games such as Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and all these little things add up the expansion really looks like a new adventure.

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Depending on your playing style, you will probably have between seven and ten hours of play this DLC package and if you liked the original, it's definitely worth it. Despite its differences, this expansion will probably not win those who were not particularly interested in the main game. What it will do, however, is to provide Mario + Rabbids fans with a brand new content that has a slight effect on the gameplay that they adore. This is not perfect, but it is always a pleasure to experiment.


Donkey Kong Adventure DLC brings a new angle to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, giving fans of the original something different. It's less intimidating than the main game, with really powerful characters that often make the work of the enemy attack slightly reduced, but blasting the campaign this way offers a good way to take advantage of the comic ride. The lack of character options is perhaps the only drawback here, by removing some of the deeper strategy involved in the full game, but we have always loved every moment of our time with DK and his friends. If you want more chaos in rabbits, give it a whirlpool.

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