Mega Man X Legacy Collection Review – the best of the series


The entire Mega Man X series is now easy to play on modern systems. Mega Man X Legacy Collection is out now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC (I've played PS4 and Switch versions). It's the same for Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 … but the first is the one you want.

This package contains the first four entries of the series, which are also the best four. The fans of Big Mega Man and the finalists will want both collections, but more moderate Mega Man X fans could stick to the first package. It contains some of the best action platformers ever, and the collection has great bonuses.

Above: The first level emblematic of Mega Man X.

Image credit: Capcom

What will you like


Mega Man X , the original game that started the series, is still the best of the bunch. Sounds strange, does not it? Capcom did eight of these games. One would think that any of them could exceed the original. But Mega Man X always does it better. He introduced the idea of ​​a Mega Man more edgier without focusing too hard on bland stories. And he gave us the signature – dashing and wall – jumping movement abilities that brought out this new Mega Man from the originals.

Mega Man X came out for the Super Nintendo, as did the first two sequels. Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3 are essentially more of the same thing. They have very good action platformers, although they do not feel as special as the original.

Mega Man X4 is the most interesting sequel. It's the first one that debuted on the PlayStation. It's still a pixel-based 2D game, but its characters and backgrounds have more details. It's also the first in the series to allow you to play as a Zero for the entire game. You could play it a little bit in Mega Man X3, but it was mechanically more similar to X in this game. In X4 and the next installments, Zero focuses on short range attacks with his energy sword. He also learns different special moves than X, so playing through the game as both characters offer different experiences.

After X4, the series would become obsolete and make experiments that did not work. These are the four best games of the eight by far

Above: These soundtracks are some of the best in the game.

Image credit: Capcom

Great extras

As you can see Expect from a collection like this, you can look at all kinds of conceptual art and other fun picture galleries. You can also listen to the soundtracks of each game. This franchise has some of the best music of the 16 bit era, so it's a great benefit.

But Legacy Collection also adds a new game mode. X Challenge is a kind of boss race with a twist – you have to fight two bosses at once. And these enemies can come from any of the four games in the collection, so you could fight the bosses of Mega Man X and Mega Man X4 at the same time. At the beginning of a race, you can choose three special abilities. You will spend a lot of time experimenting with loads until you find one that can pbad through the game.

X Challenge is a unique experience that almost looks like its own game. C & # 39; is a novelty, of course, but having to fight bosses like this is a unique challenge that will delight the fans of the series

Above: I'll make a popsicle on your part!

Image credit: Capcom [19659005] What you do not like

A strange filter

When you play these games, you have some visual options. For example, you can enable or disable image borders. But you can also choose video filters that change the way the game looks. Oddly enough, the collection has a default pixel smoothing filter. As you can see in the pictures above, it looks horrible. It takes sharp, crisp visuals and makes them blurry and bland.

You can disable this and restore the original pixels, but it is confusing that smoothing is enabled by default.


This collection has four great games, and the X Challenge mode is a fantastic addition. If you only want one of the legacy collections of Mega Man X, opt for this one.

Score: 90/100

Mega Man X Legacy Collection is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC. Capcom has given us codes for all platforms for this review.

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