Mercedes-Benz sells 1.18 million cars this year


The German giant of the Mercedes-Benz luxury car claims to have recorded the best-selling quarter of the company's history. From April to June, the brand sold 594,528 units worldwide. Since the beginning of the year, Mercedes has sold 1.18 million cars worldwide.

With 203,783 vehicles sold, the month of June is the best-selling month since the beginning of the year. Interestingly, last month's numbers were affected by a US supplier fire, among other things. This meant a decline in SUV production for export at the Tuscaloosa Mercedes-Benz plant and sales were below expectations.

In Europe, Mercedes-Benz sold 476,790 cars in the first half (-1.5%), which is a bit less than in the previous, so far the best, first half of 2017. About a third of these cars were sold in Germany. In France, Spain, Sweden, Poland and Denmark, more cars were sold than ever in the first six months of the year.

Mercedes-Benz completed the first half of the year in the Asia-Pacific total sales, which rose 12.5% ​​double-digit to reach 493,358 units. The largest contributor to this growth came from China, where 340,164 cars were sold in the first six months, an increase of 16.2%.

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