Merchants on the seashore side by side with new tricks


Merchants do not issue for one in-sea purchase verified on 10 by the income agency inspectors. This was reported by the ANR based on the initial inspection data of the beginning of the summer season, reports Monitor.

The NRA reports that trade revenues on the Black Sea are higher than last year.

In the capital, however, they learned to apply another more approximate number: the payment is worth much less than the customer has paid, and not all buyers notice this detail.

These cases have already been detected by the NRA through "mystery shoppers". Or, when the customer goes to the store cashier with several products, the cashier starts issuing commercial paper for each of them separately, but misses the higher priced tickets.

When asked where is the rating for the most expensive things, he refuses to look for it in a bowl, but this is usually not the case. On the same pattern with the notes at sea, a reporter from the Monitor newspaper was stung.

According to the NRA spokesperson, several similar case inspections have already been badigned to Rosen Bachvarov, most of whom are in food establishments. "The trader is obliged to issue a receipt for the entire amount paid," he said.

According to him, since the beginning of the season, inspections of NRA inspectors by the sea are thousands. The provisional information about them indicated that there were fewer violations than last summer.

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