Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth canceled the marriage


Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus IMAGE: Instalgram / liamhemsworth

Singer Miley Cyrus and actor Liam Hemsworth again canceled their marriage. Miley Cyrus, 25, who realizes that she is not yet ready to become a mother. It's not like the Australian actor, reports BTA.

The relationship of Miley Cyrus, known as the Hannah Montana series child, and Liam Hemsworth, dates from 2010. They announced their commitment in 2012, but split in 2013. In 2015, they have renewed their relationship and said that they got engaged again

After announcing the news of separation, Cyrus erased all his photos from his installation profile, where there were a lot of pictures Commons of Hemsworth [19659007] Facsimile installs profile of Miley Cyrus

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