More than 100 missiles and projectiles were fired at Israel from the gas band in less than twenty-four hours


Deraha. Representatives of Syrian "rebel groups" on Tuesday began a new round of talks with Russian soldiers to reach a ceasefire in southern Syria, which will allow them to surrender their weapons and allow the Russian military police to take control of the cities in which they are located, revealed their spokesman, quoted by Israel's electronic edition The Jerusalem Post .
With the serious support of the Russian air force, Syrian government forces have carried out a blistering offensive operation in territory controlled by extremist groups in the southern province of Deraa during the past two weeks
President Ibrahim al-Dahabavi said the jihadists had put their "response to the list of Russian demands" on the negotiating table, including handing over the weapons and renouncing the status of "rebels" in return for "fighting". a ceasefire.
"Today, they have met the demands imposed on Russian soldiers," said Dzhabavi.
Russian demands presented to the groups at a meeting Saturday in southern Syria triggered their exit from negotiations on the grounds that it was a humiliating surrender. Subsequently, writes JPost, Jordan has persuaded the extremists to return to the negotiating table, as revealed by diplomatic sources.
"A new Negotiating Committee is formed, which represents the entire South and is formed to reach an agreement on preserving the lives of innocent people and on the safety of civilians and combatants," said a joint statement. of all major terrorist groups. province of Dera
However, the extremists' camp is deeply divided over Russian claims, Israeli media reports said, with some of the negotiators saying that they prefer to continue the armed struggle and have accused some commanders of entering into separatist agreements with militants. Russian soldiers
According to the allegations of the fighters and local residents, a number of cities are trying to reach their own surrender agreements, according to which the Russian military police will enter the settlements and patrol the streets to ensure order public.

19659003] Ivan Hristov

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