Nearly 390 billion dollars in transactions have managed to conclude global giants of computer for 3 decades


Technology giants have large amounts of free money. Often, instead of trying to develop an innovative product, they prefer to buy a start-up that has already created it and thus offer new opportunities to their users.

This is largely the reason why IT managers often report small or large transactions in which they invest a few million to several tens of billions of dollars

in their Capitalist Visual InfoFrame , they pay attention to the most awesome shopping from big names in the tech world such as Facebook, Apple, IBM, Cisco and others. To this end, they take all the transactions entered into by these companies between 1991 and 2018.

The data show that the number of agreements reached for this period was a Google with a total of 214 or an average of between 10 and 11 offers per year. During the reporting period, more than 180 small business purchases have already been made by IBM, Microsoft and Cisco

. Meanwhile, Sony, Facebook and Amazon

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have the smallest number of transactions below 80.] Source: Visual Capitalist

Interestingly is the fact that Google's transaction size is relatively weak despite its large numbers. All are estimated at $ 30.7 billion. For comparison Cisco performed nearly three times as much as $ 83 billion .

That's HP with a total deal of $ 64.1 billion. Third, Microsoft with 61.4 billion dollars

In total, for this period, the companies considered spent more than 387 billion dollars on acquisitions

Source: Source: Capitalist

What are the largest transactions of computer giants for 27 years

First, it is about the acquisition of the Microsoft Professional Social Network LinkedIn It was announced in 2016, with a total value of 26.2 billion dollars . For 19 billion dollars in 2014, the social network Facebook acquired the courier application WhatsApp .

The most recent transaction is Total Foods of Amazon, whose value is $ 13.7 billion . For 12.5 billion dollars in 2011, Google bought the Motorola mobile phone manufacturer

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