New movement in the US trade war sent the yuan in the bottom of 11 months ::


<img src = "" alt = "The Chinese yuan fell to its lowest level in 11 months after Trump administration imposed new bonds of 10% of Chinese goods to a total of $ 200 billion, Reuters reported.The escalation of the conflict also devalued the Australian dollar

The most traded currencies, such as the US dollar and the euro, remained virtually unchanged on Wednesday, with traders reacting where the new tariffs were most rapidly pbaded on to China and Asia, where countries such as the United States, the United States and the United States, were the most affected. Australia Depends on Chinese Demand for Their Products

The latest foreign trade news came after bilateral relations between the United States and China amounted to 34 billion leva last week at the end of the year. last week, av At the same time, there was no willingness to enter into talks with the aim of achieving a ceasefire. US President Donald Trump said on Friday that he was considering additional duties for a total of $ 500 billion

. "The recent market rally ended this morning and investors are waiting for the reaction from Beijing again," commented Commerzbank badysts. According to them, it is to know what will be the effect in the United States and China, and what the consequences will be for the dollar, because lower growth may coincide with higher inflation [19659002] The Chinese currency fell to 6.6919 yuan per dollar, down more than half a percentage to nearly 11 months low. As a comparison on July 3, the previous low was hit at 6.7344 yuan to the dollar

The Australian dollar fell 0.7% against the United States to 0.7404 dollar. The euro rose 0.1% against the US dollar, while the dollar index just rose to 94.201 points

The yen opened the Asian session with hikes but then dropped and stabilized at 111, 03.

"As Trump had been talking about $ 500 billion in new features late last week, news of today is still the same. It was not really surprising, but the markets inevitably react to this situation, "said Kyosuky Suzuki, director. Currency trading at Société Générale.

The Canadian Dollar fell 0.2% to $ 1.3137, pending a rise in the Canadian Central Bank later in the day.

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