Levski is looking for a coach on the eve of the new season in Ligue 1 after the Europa League.
This is by far the biggest problem for the "blue" after the release of Delio Rossi.
The club continues to accumulate debt, but a few days ago, executives announced that the company's long-term and short-term commitments are decreasing.
In reality, the financial situation of champions 26 times is not rosy. before the matches of Vaduz of the Europe League is not a single case.
The players have not received a salary since the month of May.
A similar case of delay occurred in the spring, Trud writes.
In addition, the club did not pay commissions to a gang of football agents who helped attract and sell players.
Certain responsibilities towards the managers go back to the winter, and if they are not extinguished, there is a real danger that FIFA will intervene.
Just for reference – similarly, dozens of former CSKA players have brought actions against the club under his previous leadership, and subsequently their claims have been complied with by the Sports Court of Lausanne (ACS ).
Also in April of this year, Dustley Mulder, who played Gerena in the 2010-2014 period, did the same. The CAC then confirmed FIFA's decision that the "blue" had to pay 39,000 euros to the defender.
For Levsky, he also owed 150,000 euros to Rehn for the lease of Aphonse Figueiredo.
There was a clause in the contract between the two parties, according to which the "blue" should pay the amount in question if the left defender does not play in 75% of the team's matches.
Finally, Figueiredo, who did not take the trust of Delio Rossi, recorded only seven fights and the condition came into effect. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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