Nintendo Switch plays GameCube and N64 games – with a hack



Maybe we can legitimately add the N64 and GameCube games to our Nintendo Switch home menus?

David Carnoy / CNET

Thursday, the modder @_ Mizumi showed the Pokemon Snap of the N64, the Super Smash Bros of the GameCube. Melee and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney from Game Boy Advance running on the portable console, with mixed results

Pokemon Snap seems run smoothly in a silent clip. Smash Bros. has no sound and runs slowly . Phoenix Wright works well but without sound

It is possible that Nintendo's Switch Online service, which will be available in September, will offer N64 and GameCube games because company has confirmed that Switch would not receive a virtual console .

In Japan, Nintendo is ready for launch by preparing a 90-day free trial of online service with a set of switches

In May, a branded application hinted ] that Nintendo planned to release an N64 Clbadic following the success of its NES Clbadic and its SNES Clbadic .

Last week, Nintendo shareholders gave their new president, Shuntaro Furukawa, a 96.5% approval rating.

If you're looking for something to play on your Switch, check out our list of the top 18 games.

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