Optimism to Conquer European Exchanges :: Investor.bg


<img src = "https://www.investor.bg/images/photos/0264/0000264680-article3.jpg" alt = "At the beginning of the US corporate financial season, optimism has submerged the European stock markets.The positive mood has also affected the euro even lower.However, the highly anticipated financial data of JP Morgan, Citigroup and Wells Fargo do not represent a major target for European trade which ended last week's sessions at higher levels at low margins as world markets rose.

The Stoxx 600 Stoyx 600 ended the session with a growth of 0, 17 per cent, with all major exchanges in positive territory Peripheral markets bid farewell to the week with mixed feelings For most sectors, most industries are up or unchanged

The benchmark of The ondres FTSE 100 added 10.54 points to its value at 76661.87 points. The Paris CAC 40 advanced by 0.38% to 5429.20, while in Germany DAX finished the session with a growth of 0.38% and reached a level of 12540.73 points The other European index – EuroStoxx 50 – failed to maintain its initial high growth and ended with an increase of 0.26 % at 3454.54 points. Due to the temporary collapse on Wednesday, the eurozone's leading index ended the week with a more moderate 0.2 percent.

"The mixed, albeit modest, response to profit reports from America's three largest banks seems to herald a diverse reporting season," says FBN chief strategist Jeremy Klein Securities. JP Morgan Chase posted better-than-expected earnings and sales after trading revenues increased 13 percent in the second quarter on an annual basis. At the same time, Citigroup reported better than expected profits, but lower revenues than the quarterly forecasts. JP Morgan rises slightly, while Citgoup loses more than 1% of its value However, Wells Fargo fails to meet the expectations of profits and profits its because the big accounting scandal continues to affect the company. The bank reported that $ 481 million in taxes also put pressure on the pressure. Bank shares fell by 3% at the start of stock market trading

Business news in Europe, however, was in deficit. Shares of the French luxury goods group LVMH rose thanks to badysts' positive comments of 2.28% and drove EuroStoxx. For example, Fred Spears, of the Swiss bank UBS, says that the end of the phase of rising market expectations has not yet been reached. Drinking Dadhana's RBC home badyst has highlighted the growing presence of French in social media and online platforms.

On the foreign exchange markets, the exchange rate of the euro against the dollar reached its lowest level in eight days at $ 1,167, while the dollar index against a basket of major currencies its high level in ten days

The Federal Reserve is expected to release its new monetary policy report, and next week Fed Chairman Jerome Powell will be heard by the Financial Services Committee in the House of Representatives and the Senate Banking Commission [F (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMet heure?
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