Philadelphia Fusion's Punch to the semifinals with victory over the Boston Uprising


After suffering a tough defeat earlier in the evening, the Philadelphia Fusion bounced back and beat their semifinal ticket by defeating the Boston Uprising 3-1 in the third game of its Overwatch League playoff series. The win means that Philadelphia will go on to play NYXL, the league's best team and a team they've lost in the Stage Two championships.

Through the Overwatch League playoff rules, the team ranked higher was allowed to choose the opening of the card, the Uprising chose to take the fight to Junkertown, a map that they had done very well just earlier in the night. Charged to defend, the Uprisings were unfortunately not as effective in their strategies as in the opening match of the evening, and the Fusion quickly rolled through their defense thanks in part to Carpe and his choices incredible as Widowmaker

Fusion managed to move the payload in about half of Junkertown, Boston ended up just defensively, while Mistakes (Hanzo) and Neko (Roadhog) helped select various players of Fusion and bring things back to the forefront. play that Boston is ok to play. Despite a good start in attack, the Fusion simply fell behind, most of the team having succumbed to the Striker's Widowmaker and Note and Gamsu's superb play-off, and Boston led them to a 2-0 lead. [19659004LesecondrounddeJunkertownétantdécisifBostonsemitrapidementautravailenattaquantetencapturantlachargeutilecettefoisavecuncomboRoadhog/OrissaavecNekoetGamsuaulieuduBastionquileurpermitdepbaderleroundd'ouvertureladernièrefoisHanzodeMistakesétaitunfacteurimportantdanslarondecommeunDragonstrikequ'ilalaissétomberàmi-cheminduroundacomplètementdétruitlaFusionpermettantàBostondepousserlachargeutileplusprofondémentàtraversJunkertownTandisquelaFusionétaitenmesuredefaireavancerleschosesenfindematchilssesontattaquéstroptôtàdesproblèmesetBostonaétéenmesurederemporterunevictoirepourprendreuneavancede1à0

Generally, the Fusion were allowed to choose the card to the second card, and in a surprising turn, they chose Lijiang Tower, a card which Boston absolutely dominated earlier in the night. Although they were only 9-8 (including the playoffs) on the map, Boston started with a bang, as Striker and Mistakes were again important factors in Boston by jumping on a advanced. Hotba, taking Zarya's place for Philadelphia, would not allow Boston to take a long time,

By means of nearly 75% energy as Zarya throughout the round, he quickly led the Merge on their own control line. He played a key role in reversing the point late in the game with a superb thrust of gravitation that allowed Philadelphia to take a 1-0 lead on the card. When the second round started, Hotba and the Fusion were ready to leave, and quickly got the better of a Boston team that did not seem too prepared for the aggressiveness with which Philadelphia came out. After taking a 91-0 lead, Uprising finally took the point, but they could not resist Hotba and the Fusion, who took the point and tied the series at 1-1.

When it comes to tank play, Poko noted that for the playoffs, the merger was meant to play Sado and him together, with Poko noting that his role could be to keep his teammates energized and in the match . "I bring something else that the team may need," he noted in a conversation after the match with Overwatch Wire. "… positivity, where we are all dropped, so I'm here to cheer everyone on and help everyone [keep their head up] and win the game."

With Boston taking things to Eichenwalde, the hope was that they would be able to hold off a Philadelphia Fusion team that had suddenly gained a ton of momentum. Unfortunately for them, they only helped to give them more, while the Fusion jumped to a ridiculously fast lead thanks to a stellar game of Eqo and Poko, which ended up instead. According to Poko, not only did the team not use its attack strategy before, but it was called once the team tried to find a faster attack. Speaking of the tank game for the Fusion, Poko added that there was no pressure in not starting, as he said that his job is to keep the spirit of the game. team as soon as he enters. "If the [the] team is doing well, I just arrived and" Let's go, everyone, keep going, we're fine "and if we lose, I'm like" We know What we can do He told the Overwatch Wire

The Fusion quickly took control of the payload and was able to deliver it through both checkpoints with relative ease. On the defensive side, things continued to go well for Philadelphia, and their aggressive defense combined with Boston's risky attempt to direct only one healer led the Fusion to hold Boston and take a lead of 2. -1.

Back in Hanamura, the Fusion again made this decision regret in Boston. In what turned out to be about as perfect as an offensive phase that you can claim, Philadelphia was pushed back once before absolutely rolling through the Uprising. Due to a late elimination, Boston was without Kellex – their healer – for the second thrust of the Fusion, and Philadelphia quickly took advantage, crossing the first point and easily crushing Boston on the second point while making stops in the five minutes.

On defense, the Fusion has stopped, holding a Boston team again almost completely DPS / Tank at almost nothing. With extra time, Uprising was able to steal the point, but his magic stopped there, Philadelphia quickly getting rid of any idea that Boston was going out victorious by completely dominating the second leg of the tour, taking a Boston victory. and punch their ticket in the semifinals.

The selected image for this post was provided by Robert Paul for Blizzard Entertainment.

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