Poisoned by Novi-ock Rowley is spilled out of the hospital


<img clbad = "photo" src = "https://i.actualno.com/actualno_2013/upload/news/2018/07/05/0487811001530820036_686073_600x458_actualno.jpg?time=695" itemprop = "image" id = "image_in_article" width = "590" alt = "Charlie Rowley, who was poisoned by a Novioc nervous agent, was written by the British hospital and presented no risk to society, according to his doctor." went through a terrifying experience that most of us would never have imagined, "said Lorna Wilkinson, head of the nursing department at the Salvation Hospital in southwestern Ontario. ;England.

British police identified Sergei and Julia Scripal poisoned in Salisbury, the Sun newspaper reported.
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Rowley, 45, and her partner, 44-year-old Dawn Sturgis, fainted at home at AMS in southwestern England on June 30. Sturgis died on July 8th.
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