Police search for murderer of Milosevic's lawyer, Svet


The lawyer who defended war crimes charges former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic was shot dead in Belgrade, reported AFP

Dragoslav Ognianovic, who was shot dead Saturday night in front of the block where he lived, was also Luka Boyovich, a well-known personality in the underground world of Serbia. "The police are looking for the person who killed the lawyer Dragoslav Ognianovic and wounded his 26-year-old son in the hand," said Dejan Kovacevic, a senior Serbian police officer.

Authorities do not badociate the killing of a 56-year-old lawyer with his work on the protection of Milosevic or Boyovich, who is serving an 18-year sentence in a Spanish prison for possession of weapons [19659002 Bojovic is one of the main actors in the battle between two Kotor gang warlords, in Montenegro, who has made up to now several victims, according to the daily Vecernie Novosti. Another Serbian lawyer, Vladimir Zreletz, who defended a member of a rival gang, was killed in December 2015 in Belgrade. Victor Gostljic, who heads the Serbian Bar Association, said that "the entire law firm is in shock after the murder". He called for a meeting with the ministers of interior and justice to protect Serbian lawyers.

"The shooting produced by Dragoslav Ognianovich was a shot at all the lawyers," said a statement from the badociation, calling for the speedy capture of the murderers

Ognianovic was a member of Milosevic's legal counsel, but the Serbian leader himself was represented before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, a United Nations judicial structure which deals with war crimes cases in the Balkans in the 1990s. Milosevic died on 14 March 2006 in his cell in The Hague. He has responded to accusations of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the military conflicts that led to the break-up of Yugoslavia, killing 130,000 people.

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