Politics Valeri Simeonov offered 20,400 leva to Violeta Zheleva of BSP if she gave birth to 3 children


Valery Simeonov

© Velko Angelov

Valery Simeonov

"I personally engage myself seriously – 20 400 leva, I will give them for three consecutive births, let me see how long it will take you." That's what the former deputy and first ordinary deputy of "United Patriots", Valeriy Simeonov, told Violeta Zheleva, MP for BSP. It was during the discussion of a proposal of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) to increase the birth allowance for the state budget for the second reading of 2019.

PASB's proposal, which was not approved, was to provide a birth grant of $ 6,400 per second and / or third child. The proposal involved, if two twins, to give 6,400 for each, but provided that the parents were provided in the last 24 months. Birth allowances amount to 250 leva for the first, 600 for the second and 600 for the twins.

Simeonov told Jeleva, who had presented the ideas of the BSP, that their proposals incited a false opinion in society that we can correct the demographic data with material stimulation. "Zheleva is young, let his mother, father and grandparents ask how many children they have and what kind of material incentives they have received," said Simeonov, advising him to ask his partner, Dora Yankova.

"I agree with two things: firstly, that I am young, yes, yes, and secondly, that this measure is not unique and that the demographic problem will be solved only by it", replied Zheleva Simeonov. "I will not comment on what you say, I think it is superfluous, because people outside this Parliament have heard your statements, so I will not comment on them," Jeleva said.

"It is more important for me to be fair and honest," Simeonov told reprimand Georgi Svilensky (BSP). Simeonov said that you had left your company to act in accordance with his beliefs and that as Deputy Prime Minister of Demography he had arranged the arrival of 7500 Bulgarians from abroad come to work in Bulgaria and saved the tourist season.

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