Poor health stops the career of Sergio Marchioni – the boss who loved to fix things


Sergio Marchionne left the scene Saturday as one of the most demanding and stubborn leaders in the automotive sector. His health is seriously degraded after a career that has saved Fiat and Chrysler – two of the legendary auto brands.

Fourteen years after taking over the helm of Fiat, the boss of his group, Fiat Chrysler, was replaced. He was seriously injured in the shoulder and his health deteriorated, the company said.

Fiat Chrysler (FCA) did not give more details

In Italy, where the reorganization of Fiat earned him the status of legend, he treated it as a rock star. The former student in Philosophy and Accountant almost never wears a tie and prefers ordinary sweaters, half jokingly saying that he saves time by dressing up

A pretentious smoker up to the end of the day. As he leaves the habit last year, he is famous for that he worked extremely well before getting sick. Markieon demanded that the rest of them keep a grueling schedule that earned him a reputation among his enemies as well as among his friends, a stubborn and arrogant man

"I feel like I live in a tunnel, it is not only demanding, "

" Some of them could not resist his 24-hour approach. "

" He sends emails at any time, he wants an answer within five minutes even in the middle of the night, and if you do not answer right away, you waste your time "When I stopped working with him, I started to have a life and to see my family ", he added.

At his last public appearance on June 26, in a typical Markiee sweater seemed tired and panting when he introduced Jeep Wrangler to Italian carabinieri at a ceremony in Rome.

A few days later, he went to Switzerland for a shoulder operation, as he had announced the FCA. FCA did not specify what had happened after the operation, except that there were complications that suddenly deepened on Saturday

at the meeting. emergency board Saturday, FCA chose Jeff Mike Manley, head of the company, Markieone made it impossible, according to many – he took the huge risk, when there only a decade ago, he began the reunification of financial difficulties, then Fiat and his US rival Chrysler bankrupt.

"The era of Sergio Marchionne as general manager of Fiat is already a legend," said Bernstein badyst Max Warburton earlier this year.

His insightful business kept the interest of investors and earned him praise, even from competitors. The value of Fiat has risen more than 11 times with the release of the sports division of CNH Industrial and Ferrari, as well as the excitement for further transformations in the future

"J & # 39; likes to fix things "

" You can say that Sergio has a heavy character, you can say that he is a bad father and does not spend enough time with his children, but you can not question his managerial qualities, he did wonders at Fiat, another man who worked with him

Marcone is a man He was born in the poor central area of ​​Abruzzo in Italy. in Toronto while he was 14 years old to escape the limits of Italian society, which values ​​social status more than talent.

His education is in the field of finance, Markieon gained respect in 2004 -5 for its reform capabilities by saving the near-late Fiat, the largest g Italy's industrial roupe, which has existed for centuries and employs 200,000 workers worldwide

"I like to fix things and be informal, Fiat needs it" He replied ", was he said after his appointment as CEO in 2004.

For 14 years, he pursued these goals relentlessly, sleeping in his private plane flying between Detroit, Turin and London

A tough negotiator known to get his. In 2005, Markieone charged General Motors $ 2 billion to Fiat to exempt the US company from the purchase of Fiat's auto division.

It corrected the hierarchy in the company by replacing part of the intermediate management by a system, where the positions are occupied by the most competent

Marcone reduces the costs by drastically reducing the number of automotive platforms and Creating Joint Ventures to Share Development and Production

With Chrysler, Finally Acquiring the Rest of Society in an Arrangement That Arranges During the 2013 Christmas Holidays on a Florida Waterfront on a Four-Eyed Reunion that even his closest friends did not know.

It revives Chrysler by betting the Jeep brand to become world famous. Fiat Chrysler is now driving Fiat Chrysler's growth

Markieon is taking a courageous step to stop the production of the losing sedans in the United States and modernize the factories to increase the production of high-yield trucks and trucks.

Famous among his subordinates in Italy as the Doctor (he Dottore), and among his direct subordinates in the United States as The Boss, Marcone manages the management team with an iron fist, say the people who work closely with him.

Is the winning pod lost?

Marcone has achieved impressive results in increasing the value of the company's stock, but has not been so successful recently by pursuing a number of ambitious transformations

Profitability in Europe does not it's only partially restored. raid "in China.Also, Alfa Romeo is still not profitable, but is at the center of the company's latest strategy, launched in 2014 with Jeep and Maserati.

Marcone refused to follow his competitors and invest in electrification before – Finally, make a shift as part of the strategy presented in June

He also points out that the FCA is too dependent on North America – a region that should soon reach its peak

its merger with GM's biggest US rival to share spending Markieon has admitted that FCA is inevitably a fusion to be able to compete

"It does not work for to be small and friendly at home, go to a beauty salon and do something else, "he said last year


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