Presidents of the United States and Iran exchanged sudden answers


Hbadan Rohan, President of Iran: Do not play with the tail of the lion, you will regret it. You will always regret it! You are not able to induce the Iranian people against Iranian security and interests

This is what the Iranian head of state said at the time. a meeting with diplomats. Earlier, he pointed out that a possible war against Iran would be the "mother of all wars". The response of US President Trump was not late, of course, on Twitter, he wrote:

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has joined the tone of Iran. At a meeting with Americans whose roots are mainly Iranian in California, he said Iranian leaders are a mimicry of humility and are trying to deceive the international community.

Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State: The level of corruption and wealth of Iran's rulers shows that Iran is ruled by something more like the Mafia than the government

This is the most serious escalation in Iran and the United States after May, when Washington announced that it was pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal. And not only – announced that he wants to change the regime in the country and that he will force him to act with severe penalties. One of them is to stop the export of Iranian oil to the world by November. All this despite the protests of the European allies of the United States

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