Republicans in a congressional committee blocked an attempt to summon a Tramp-World translator


Republicans in the United States House of Representatives blocked an attempt of an badignment to the American translator of the summit in Helsinki for four-party talks between President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin The Associated Press reported

The proposal of the convening was challenged with 11 votes out of six all Republicans voting in committee "against"

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Leading Democrat Adam Schiff said he wanted the translator who worked for the US Department of Justice. State, to appear in a private meeting In his words, the Congress must "know what was said" during the two-hour meeting between Trump and Putin.

" It is our duty to know what has been said to four eyes, given the public speeches of our President, which has caused serious concern in our country and among our allies in the United States. NATO, "said Schiff. Trump once again reiterated: No American President was so hard in California

The California Congressman stated that realized that it was an extremely unusual step to make

Democrats in the Senate insisted that the interpreter testify, to establish whether Trump had concluded agreements with Putin at this meeting

The Republicans scheduled a hearing of State Secretary Mike Pompeau in open session of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for the following week . ]

The chairman of this commission Republican Senator Bob Corker said that he was against the provision of the notes of the translators of Trump's meeting with Putin
"I do not think so that it is a good action for us, "he said.

  Marina Gross


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