Robot "gave" short to Amazon warehouse and workers experienced a nightmare – BLITZ


A robot operating in the Amazon warehouse in New Jersey "cut", opened a spray can and sprayed people by sending 24 workers to a hospital two days ago, reports Futurism.

"Amazon's robots put people's lives at risk, the consequences can be catastrophic and the long-term effects on 80 workers are unknown," said Stewart Applebaum, president of the Union of Distribution, Sales and Marketing. wholesale and department stores, in a statement. for ABC News. "The world's richest society can not continue to act to endanger the lives of hard-working people," Applebaum said.

Like a hot spray, the spray for the protection of bears is usually composed of extremely strong peppers. Amazon sells many types of aerosols whose main purpose is to repel aggressive bears. In the New Jersey warehouse, however, two dozen corporate workers were victims of the spray. US media, however, wonder if the workers are the victims of the spray or robots?

One of the injured workers is in critical condition after the incident, in Robinsville society, local police reported, but most of the injured were released from the hospital within 24 hours.

Amazon has become a leading company for poor warehouse conditions. According to the US media, this is due to the rapid growth of activity, especially retail. The company said that this year, it was giving workers a significant increase in their wages.
"The safety of our employees is our top priority and as such all employees in this area have moved to a safe place and those who have symptoms after exposure to the hot spray have been immediately treated on the site. those who needed it were transported to local hospitals for badessment and treatment, "said Amazon's spokesman before ABC.

But nobody answers the question why the robot opened the spray and where is the problem?

Some time ago, Amazon had a robot incident, fortunately rather comical. Then, popcorn butter falls off a shelf on the floor in an almost entirely robotic Amazon charging center. This completely confuses the robots in the warehouse, which begin to move quickly, grow and slide into the oil …

At a symposium on the future of artificial intelligence and robots as a workforce, this incident was reported by Tay Brady, a technology engineer at Amazon. According to Brady, when the robots started to slide and push on the puddle of oil, they probably had an error in the coder.

Something similar happened a while ago in a shopping center where the security guard of the center's security robot slips on wet bricks and falls into the store's fountain.

It is still too early to worry that artificial intelligence is taking care of you. That's right, it's artificial, but how intelligent is it?


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