End of the match
Yellow card for Varan.
Valzetze's shot from the edge of the box was blocked by Fasio.
Asensio enters Bale.
Valverde replaces Modric.
Mariano arrives on Benzema.
Kurtóa shot a long distance from Kolarov.
Source: uefa.com
Carsdorp replaces Zaniolo.
Olsen was hit by a dangerous blow to Benzema.
Source: uefa.com
Chorich replaces Nozzie.
Modric broke into the penalty area and found Marcello, whose shot was taken over by Olsen.
Source: uefa.com
ГООООЛ ЗА РЕАЛ !!!! Bale was centered in the penalty area where Benzema took the ball to Lucas Vasquez, who found the ball in the door a few feet away.
Clivevert received the ball in front of the penalty area and attempted a shot captured by Cortoa.
Zaniolo got the ball in the penalty area and hit a powerful shot that Karvahal killed.
Source: uefa.com
ГООООЛ ЗА РЕАЛ !!!! Gareth Bale is registered. Olsen did not clear the ball, Facio handed to the left the only Gareth Bale, who, with a shot in the left corner, gave the lead to "white".
Start the second part.
End of the first part.
The incredible omission of Uberder !!!! The Turkish footballer received an excellent pbad from Zanillo and four meters over an empty door that he pulled over the door.
Yellow card for Zanyollo.
Modrič received the ball in front of the penalty area and shot hard, but over the door.
Source: uefa.com
Kolarov fired Vasquez and caused a blow that Courtoa caught.
The short distance between Kronos and Kroos is no problem for Olsen.
Karvahal blocked Fasio's shot and the ball hit Shic, whose shot was also blocked. The ball came to Alexandar Kolarov, who shot hard from the edge of the penalty area but in front of the door.
Kostas Manollas was unable to make a good kick after a corner Udder, and a defender in white clears a new corner.
Source: uefa.com
Clivevert put the ball to the left of Kurtóa's gate, but he missed the goal.
El Shaarawi has been replaced by Kluwer.
Yellow card for Modric.
Source: uefa.com
Save Olsen !!! The Swedish goalkeeper kept his door dry after a blow to Modric from the edge of the penalty area, which also had a ricochet at the foot of Benzema.
Roma ordered a dangerous attack on the right. Denggiz Junger pierced the wing and was heavily centered in the penalty area where Karvahal beat El Shaarawi.
Kolarov's hard blow pbades the door.
Kroos tries to find Benzema with a parallel center in the penalty area, but the French striker has not detected the ball.
El Shaarawy center in the penalty area on a direct free kick without problems for Kurtoa.
Start of the match
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