Russia: Politicians who boycotted the world became embarrassed


The France team triumphs with the world title PHOTO: Reuters

Politicians who are trying to use the World Cup World for their own purposes and boycott the tournament, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandar Glushko said yesterday, quoted by TASS and BTA

"Those who have tried to make a world championship politics, football, are went into a discussion with their own company not going to Rou and I think that they were in a very stupid position, "Glushko told the agency. "They deprived themselves of their pleasure, deprived themselves of the happiness of being together with their people," he added.

For their intention to boycott the World Cup before the start, Great Britain, Australia, Japan, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and Poland. From Japan to Russia, however, Princess Hissaco Takamada went, and Sweden shortly after the start of the championship renounced the boycott, recalls the agency

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