Russia responds to Greece, prosecuting two Greek diplomats


Russia responds in a mirror to the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Greece said the Russian Foreign Ministry, declaring that Moscow would expel two Greek diplomats

Russian authorities have pointed out that such a reaction

Andrei Klimov, who is Vice-President Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council (the upper chamber of the Russian parliament) said that Russia would expel two Greek diplomats. In his words, without such an answer, Moscow "will not be able to ensure the safety of its employees." Klimov added that Russia never considered Greece as an ally and partner in Europe. "Greece is part of NATO, but that's enough," he said.

Earlier, it appeared that the Greek government had decided to expel two Russian diplomats and to ban the entry into Greece of two others, accusing them of interfering. in domestic affairs and illegal actions against the national security of Greece

In particular, Athens blames Russian diplomats in attempts to collect and disseminate information, as well as the corruption of Greek officials who failed

The initiative is the result of numerous coordinates attempts to increase the influence of Russia in Greece, including the activities of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society

Completing the involvement of Russia in a delicate domestic matter such as the agreement between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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