Russian chemist: With Novichok's new incident, Moscow wants to divert the attention of the Scripal case


British police confirmed a new poisoning in Novichok, there is no evidence of a deliberate badault, but London suspects that the two cases are related

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The "Newcomer" at the base of the poisoning of the two Britons this weekend may not be the same as the one used in the attack against Sergei Scripal and his daughter Julia. That's what Russian chemist Wil Mirzayanov, who revealed the existence of this neural gas, has reported, the French press reported. According to him, Moscow has planned this new incident to "divert the attention".

"I think it's a new attack with no physical connection to the first," Mirzayanov said during a telephone conversation with the French press. Scientists believe that Noviotok is a stable substance that can last four months, it's "not at all true," he added.

"The newcomer is very subject to moisture and collapse when there is water"

A fierce opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 83-year-old Mirzayanov believes that The poisoning of the two Britons in E is meant to "divert the attention of the Salisbury poisoning investigation from the two claws." By targeting people who have absolutely no connection with Russia, the Russians want to show that there is a British internal problem, not an international problem, "especially at the Approaching the First Summit of Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

Mirzayanov arrived in the United States in 1995 after having worked for nearly 30 years for the National Institute of Chemical Research and Organic Technologists. First, in the USSR and then in Russia, Mirzayanov was the one who in the early 1990s revealed the existence of "Noviyok." Now Mirzayanov lives in Princeton, United States

. man and woman who are in critical condition in a hospital in Wiltshire English county were exposed to the Novichock neurochronic agent, the British police reported earlier.It is the same substance used in the Attack on former Russian spy Sergey Skri pal

According to the police, there is no information that the couple was deliberately attacked, and nothing in their biographies suggests that they were the target of attacks. It is still unclear how the neuropathic substance was transferred

According to the BBC, the most likely hypothesis is that it remained "Noviotok" in the Scripal attack. "Britain refers to the hypothesis that the two inhabitants of the English city of Amersbury, injured by a neuropathic substance, were victims of the attack of the former spy Russian Sergei Scripal and his daughter Julia in March "

said British Security Minister Ben Wallace,

" The working hypothesis will be that they suffered either from the consequences of the Previous attack or something else but were not the immediate goal, "he added. [19659010] Charlie Rowley, 45, and Down Sturgis, 44, were found guilty Saturday night at their home in Amesbury, ten kilometers from Salisbury, where Scripal and his daughter Julia were poisoned in March [19659013]. on samples I can confirm that the man and the woman have been exposed to the neurological substance Novicoc, defined as the same neuropathic substance as Sergey and Julia Scripal poisoned, "said counterintelligence chief Neil Basu, quoted by Associated Press. [1 9659010] Both victims were treated at the local Salisbury Hospital, where for weeks the doctors fought for the life of Scripal.It was originally thought that Rawley and Sturgis had overdosed heroin or crack.

Local police described the case as a "serious accident." Nearly 100 counterterrorism staff are working on the case. police pierced at least five separate areas, including a park and property in Salisbury, as well as a pharmacy and a Baptist church in Amesbury.

However, no area or any contaminated object has yet to been detected. continues to investigate the routes of victims in recent days

Authorities have warned residents of the region to monitor strange objects and disinfect their belongings – bags and shoes, for example

urged the Russia to give details about the NOVOCHOCK attack against the former dual agent Scripal and his daughter

Wallace said that the Russian state could clarify what had happened in " filling some of the essential white Etna "of the case.

Russians are the ones who can clarify things for people (in England) to be sure, says the minister.

accused Britain of Russia poisoned family script. Russia categorically denies being involved in this case.

Waiting for Moscow to support this thesis now:

"How stupid do they think that Russia will use" still "the so-called" Noviotok "at the height of the Second World War? Football and after a special session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention, where it was decided that the OPCW would have attributive functions ?, commented by the Permanent Representation of Russia to the OPCW

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