After some mbadive Galaxy Note 9 leaks, it's time for the Samsung Gear S4 smartwatch. The upcoming notebook that is expected to debut alongside the next generation Galaxy Note model will work with the Google Wear operating system. Unlike the Gear S3 launched last year with Samsung's Tizen operating system. The next Samsung smartwatch is also expected to offer a UX interaction that could replace the original rotating bezel experience launched on the Gear S2 in January 2016. Previously, a report from South Korea claimed that Samsung preferred a new processor. Application built using Panel Level Packaging (PLP) to offer the Gear S4 with a slimmer profile and a lower price than its predecessor.
The hitter behind the popular Twitter account Ice Universe has claimed that the Gear S4, which could debut as the Galaxy Watch, will come with Wear OS and support the UX interaction. The smartwatch is also expected to have a 470mAh battery that could last longer than the Gear S3 battery which had a capacity of 380mAh. In addition, it is said that Samsung's new model will offer blood pressure monitoring in addition to other fitness-oriented features.
Contrary to what has been reported so far on Gear S4 or Galaxy Watch, the Gear S3 model MIL-STD-810G features a rotating bezel that allows users to take a phone call or repeat an alarm simply by turning the knob – without touching the screen. Samsung has also offered a built-in GPS on the Gear S3 that we can also expect to have on its successor. Similarly, similar to the Frontier Gear S3 model with 3G / LTE support, the next-generation Samsung smartwatch could support e-SIM to enable LTE connectivity. This can be similar to the Apple Watch Series 3 Cellular model that allows a stand-alone telephony experience.
Samsung has not revealed details on the Gear S4. However, a report last month reported that the Gear S4 will come alongside the Galaxy Note 9 on August 9. The smartwatch would have a PLP processing chip that will help manage the cost of production and the thickness of the hardware. In addition, the price of Gear S4 should be lower than the price of Gear S3. The model of last year was launched in India in January at Rs. 28 500.
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