See how Buffon met in Paris – France – European Football


Money Saint-Germain fans hosted a special welcome to Italian legend Gianluigi Buffon, who joined the team and organized the first training session yesterday. Dozens of supporters chanted the 40-year-old guard's name in front of Pres Park, and some of them managed to shake his hand. Buffon received from one of the fans a torch that was lighted and stirred before the crowd gathered

The former Italian arrived at PSG with a contract of one year. year after leaving Juventus at the end of last season. In the contract there is an option to extend it for another year.

@gianluigibuffon meets the faithful of the PSG outside the Parc des Princes !! #OneOfUs

– Paris Saint-Germain (@ PSG_French) July 9, 2018

Nobody promised me that I would be the first choice , I just deserved it, even if I'm already 40, I feel good and I will do my best to help PSG, "said Gjiji.

" The first PSG interview

is PSG's first interview: "I will not win this trophy for many years, but it's a big challenge," added Buffon.

"I think I can still improve and I would like to contribute to my teammates" prog try. "[19659909] #OneOfUs

– Paris Saint-Germain (@PSG_English) {appId: 176964795710805 & # 39 ;, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});
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