See the probable composition of Levsky for the meeting of Vaduz


Levski's composition for the Vaduz match seems clear with the exception of one post, namely the goalkeepers. It remains unclear whether Martin Polacek will make his official debut or whether Captain Bojidar Mitrev will remain under the baton. The third option is the young Peter Ivanov, but this is unlikely.

At the press conference yesterday, Delio Rossi answered the question to be held at the door with "One of the three goalkeepers who are here". But probably the young guard Peter Ivanov will stay out of the group. Bojidar Mitrev is more likely to be at the door, but he should have even more competition during the season

The probable Levski team will meet Vaduz:

Goalkeeper: Bojidar Mitrev

Protection: Milos Cvetkovic, David Yablonski, Imen Belaid, Ivan Goranov

Halbovi: Haley Tiam, Jordi Gomez, Davide Mariani

Sergei Bush

The meeting is now # At 18:45 at the "Reinpark" stadium, with the "blue" supported by about 300 Bulgarians, but the number can also grow no, because of compatriots living abroad

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