Serbia must enter the EU before 2025


July 28, 2018 | 08:25 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: AFPPetter Siyarto, Foreign Minister of Hungary: Serbia must join the EU before 2025

  Peter Sijatto, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs: Serbia must join the EU before 2025 : AFP

Budapest. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Sijardo declared that Serbia must join the EU before 20135 and that its entry procedures should not be extended, transmitted TASS
"2025, who placed us The European Commission is a very long date.So Serbia should become a member of the EU as soon as possible and we have a proposal.By December we have to open a few chapters of There is no point in delaying their opening, "said Sijato.
Candidates for EU membership are Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Albania and Macedonia. For the moment, Brussels does not set any date for the accession of these countries to the Union, but last autumn, the President of the EC, Jean-Claude Juncker, declared that Serbia and Montenegro would join the EU by 2025
and published: Виктор Турмаков

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