Skype adds a new call recording feature; Streaming services coming soon


Microsoft Skype-based VoIP Service adds a built-in call recording feature to all platforms on which the service is available. It is a cloud-based feature in which all call records are stored on cloud servers so that users can access these records on different platforms and devices such as Windows, Android, Mac, iOS, etc.

<img title = "Skype Adds New Call Recording Feature; Streaming Services to Come Soon" clbad = "aligncenter size-full wp-image-127785" src = " /uploads/2018/07/skype-logo-e1531803623767.jpg "alt =" [19659003] "The call recording is completely cloud-based, and as soon as you start recording, everyone in the # "Call is warned that the call is being recorded," says Microsoft's Skype team. "The call recordings combine everyone's video as well as all the calls. shared screens during the call. "

Since its release in 2003, Skype has never had any call recording before date.There have been some third party applications and services that users had to resort to record Skype calls, but with this new feature, it is now possible to do it in native mode, which is a good idea. It also tests and tests a new "Content Creator" mode for Skype to help users easily stream their content, whether it's live vloggers or players or podcasters. They are also working on the integration of services such as Xsplit, Wirecast and Vmix in Skype. Some other changes that Microsoft is working on, is a new redesigned user interface for its PC client, to look more like its mobile application. The Call Recording feature will begin at the end of July and will be included in the next update on all platforms.


With popular email applications like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger offering video call capabilities and Google's own service, Duo, offering high quality video calling while By consuming less bandwidth, the number of Skype users seems to decrease, since apps such as WhatsApp are usually present on almost all smartphones. The use of a service provided by an existing application is therefore more logical than downloading an additional application. However, by offering features such as call recording and live streaming for content creators, Skype is trying to come back to the front of the stage because these features are missing on the internet. other similar services

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