Small steps in the war with plastic


The alarms that plastic pollution endangers our lives and our health are heard everywhere. While we consume microparticles through bottled water and seafood pollution of the seas and oceans results in the death of entire species.

Meanwhile, plastic is all around us. Certainly years, maybe even decades, must realize that we do not help us or nature with plastic cups and saucers which after use can be found wherever they are not found. do not belong

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The European Commission has taken its first steps to solve the problem. But while the ban on all kinds of plastic products has not yet come into force, a number of global companies have chosen to impose restrictions themselves . Unfortunately, everything is still in a room and it takes time to bademble the entire puzzle.


The latest news is that the coffee chain announced that will phase out, but entirely the straws . In order not to need it, the shape of the cups will change – for a more comfortable consumption.

By 2020 It is expected that all chains in the chain will completely remove the straw, which will lose nearly a billion plastic waste per year, has indicated CNET. But at the beginning of the year, the fast food chain also announced its intention to ban plastic straw. According to estimates, more than 95 million are used each year writes Sky News. The idea, however, has not encountered any particular support among restaurateurs around the world.

Up to now, only Great Britain is taking a step forward and should replace plastic straws with paper . In other countries, McDonald's will focus its efforts on the recycling of plastic waste

Many places in the world already have local bans that relate to different products, mainly bags, straws and bottles . Seattle is the first US city to ban straws and disposable utensils

Mumbai is the largest city in India in which all disposable plastic products can no longer be used. Even a Somali terrorist group has announced that it forbids the use of plastic bags because they are a great enemy of nature

Dozens of local supermarket chains in Europe, the United States and elsewhere in the world. of plastic and make a contribution

Meanwhile, the Internet is gaining more and more popularity #stopsucking campaign . It is specifically aimed at eliminating straws as one of the main polluters of the oceans

The First Victory Has Been Earned at Seattle and the site movement offers alternatives to plastic straws – paper, metal, bamboo and even glbad

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