Social Features Reduced Toxic Behavior in Overwatch


The Blizzard Global Analysis Group has just completed the compilation of some statistics on the new social characteristics added to Overwatch a few weeks ago, including LFG (Search for Groups) and mentions.

the additions had an impact on the community Overwatch as Jeff Kaplan revealed that LFG and endorsements significantly remove the toxic and abusive behavior.

LRG was introduced to allow players to search for parties with similar interests. or have a certain style of play, while the mentions encourage the players to publicly congratulate a player for his attitude, his communication and his skills.

According to the figures, competitive matches containing abusive conversations are down 26.4% in the Americas in South Korea.

In addition, 28.8% of daily gamblers who were abused were down 28.8% in the Americas, followed by 21.6% in South Kor. ea (although it is not clear if this abuse comes from the cat).

"We will continue to work on these features to improve them and explore other systems to improve the game environment," writes Kaplan.

It should be noted that the statistics above do not include the European server, whose players say that it is still ripe with toxicity. Kaplan followed by baduring players that he had no figures yet from Europe, but it will be interesting to see if the LFG and the endorsements also have an impact on these players.

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