SOFIX has returned to its level at the end of last week ::


<img src = "" alt = "Negative mood reigned over the Bulgarian stock market on the last day of the week and the turnover was largely formed by simple business with several companies

In Friday's sitting, the main landmark SOFIX decreased by 0.49% to 632.31 points per day. After three losing sessions and two winners over the week, the index has remained virtually unchanged from its levels since the end of last week.

Wider BGBX40 fell Friday 0.37% to 122.52 points The sector BGREIT remained unchanged at 116.44 points while weighted BGTR30 recorded a decrease of 0.45 % at 523.56 points per day

regulated market amounted to 677.9 thousand BGN, after 158 transaction s with 39 issues, of which 102 000 BGN came from a transaction with the shares of Rodde Land Holding AD and 100 600 BGN from two transactions with FPI "Balkan and Sea Properties" . The turnover for the whole week reaches 1.77 million BGN

SOFIX companies send the week to positive territory – "Eurohold Bulgaria" AD – with a growth of 5.26 %, "Industrial holding in Bulgaria AD – by 2.11%, " Group of Sirma Holding "AD – by 1.12%, Chimimport AD – 0.52% and Central Bank of Bulgaria – 0.28%.] The blue chips of the week were the most depreciated Trace Group Hold – with 5.13% Mining AD – with a decrease of 2.42%, Albena AD – from 1.85%, "Holding Varna" AD ] – of 1 , 11%, Sopharma AD – by 0.98% and Advance Terrafund REIT – by 0.95%., B, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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