Spotify is testing a lite version of its application ::


  Spotify is testing a small version of its application

Photo: Reuters Archive

The Spotify music streaming platform wants to attract more new users, so it is testing new ways to do it. Android users in Brazil and in other parts of the world can now try Spotify Lite – a lighter version of the main business application, which requires less memory and less of data, writes Engadget.

Spotify says the version works on all Android phones and in all network conditions

The application allows you to restrict mobile data to use every month, including the amount of memory to use. It shows how much data you left in the span of time

Spotify Lite is only 15 MB compared to the main application of 100 MB

But the lightweight version does not have some features key. These include offline listening, maximum sound quality and Spotify Connect (the ability to stream to an external speaker).

The use of premium service in Spotify Lite is probably not a good option. Instead, it only offers a "shuffle" feature

Spotify is following in the footsteps of other major apps that have released lighter versions. These are Facebook, Messenger, Uber, and recently Instagram.

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