Surprise! AC Milan may sell new Chelsea Reina


Pepe Reina may leave Milan in Chelsea, although he signed with Rosoneri a few weeks ago and that he did not even play an official match for the team, according to Gazeta dello Sport

The new goalkeeper of Maurizio Sari, who considers him an ideal hope if Tibor Curtoa is sold to Real Madrid, is keen on the goalkeeper of the Rossoneri. (19659005) Londoners wanted to take over from Belgian Alisson, but eventually the Brazilian goalkeeper was in the Liverpool line-up

In this situation, Raine became the favorite for a new goalkeeper in Liverpool . sale of Kurtoa. Sari likes him well, and he is also impressed by his footwork because they have known each other since their stay in Naples.

Milan drew Raine with a free transfer and would be able to sell it for 7-8 million euros.

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