Tabarez: Wait Cavani – The World of Football – 2018 World Cup


The Uruguayan national coach, Oscar Washington Tabarez, does not want to speculate on the health of striker Essonne Cavani before the quarter-finals of the World Cup with France.

He declined to comment on whether or not he should play the scorer "Urusses".

Cavani was injured in the eighth round against Portugal (2: 1) and was replaced after scoring both goals first. Later, it became clear that the author of three hits in four tournament matches suffered a muscle injury to the left leg. Thursday, the Paris Saint-Germain footballer was training on an individual program

"After this injury, of course, he was upset, he is a very important player for us, who played well at "I think we have provided enough information about his injury in several press releases earlier this week," he said.I do not want to participate in the media games, after 24 hours you We do not hide, we do not want to create rumors. "

" Many people say that we pretend, but it's not true, we have not tried for a minute We want to play, play honestly We do not want any rumors, so I apologize to everyone, but it is for the moment on the subject Cavani, he added. "

Journalists at the press conference commented that Cavani would not be a champion. taken by Cristian Statuini / BTA

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