Tesla has traveled more than 1,000 kilometers autopilot – Automotive News


Short mileage is the main disadvantage of electric cars. However, this applies only to highway traffic. Driving in urban conditions, with speeds between 30 and 50 km / h, electric vehicles can travel several kilometers. This is proved by Tesla Model 3.

By 2019, the middle clbad Tesla – Model 3 is also on the European market. In its first tests, the car traveled 500 kilometers. To refute this, the German car rental company Next Rent has launched a demonstration experiment at the Lausitzring in Brandenburg. Model 3 was able to record a mileage of only 1001 km on the autopilot without air conditioning and radio and at a speed of 36 km / h

Thanks to its larger battery, the Tesla Model S reached a mileage of 1128 kilometers . However, compromises must be made for these results. For example, the average speed of the Model S test was 38 km / h, which means that it took 30 hours to complete the registration. In addition, five drivers were required for the experiment

In fact, speed is one of the biggest obstacles to electric cars, but only on highways. For example, at 50 km / h in the city, the Tesla Model S can travel nearly 780 kilometers. However, at 130 km / h on the highway, the maximum possible mileage is reduced to about 260 kilometers

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