The admission of Turkey to the BRICS could provoke a "geopolitical shock"


July 31, 2018 | 03:29 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: AFP

<img src = "" alt = "" View ": The welcome of Turkey in the BRICS could cause a "geopolitical shock" AFP

Ankara. The unification of countries, which almost receives the name of BRIX, extends more and more its influence.This club, which also includes Russia, wants Turkey to come in. Does Ankara (NATO member) have a chance to join the BRICS and what will be the overall geopolitical effect in such a case, writes the Russian newspaper " View ".
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced his wish to join the BRICS countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, reported Sunday the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet
"With these five countries, we are part of the G20, and I would like to see the necessary steps that will enable us to join the reunification and take our place in the BRICS," said Erdogan. "If you accept us on this platform, she will call BRICST (BRICST)," he added. According to him, BRICS members "warmly welcomed" this proposal. "Especially China has declared that it is pleading for enlargement and I have seen that they are considering the possibility of other countries participating in this platform. not against, "said the Turkish president. In his words, there is enormous potential for partnerships in the areas of economics, investment and development
Turkey, of course, is far from the only country that wants to be part of the BRICS and has a great interest in working in the union. Wishing to join the BRICS a few years ago, she showed Argentina, and it is the second largest economy in South America
However, until now, everything stays in place. Is there a chance for Turkey to be admitted to this club? The fact that Erdogan was invited to the Tenth Annual BRICS Summit in Johannesburg argues for such an opportunity.
On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the BRICS meeting that the expansion of the organization is not yet planned. However, it has not entirely rejected such a possibility. "Now, we need to formally increase the number of BRICS members until we plan, because the formats show their effectiveness," said Putin. "But that does not mean that the organization is closed and its doors are closed, just this issue is not resolved now, we have to do it right," he added.
In fact, there is not even a clear understanding of the rules and procedures, how BRIX can accept new members, what are the requirements imposed on the new member, what tasks are badigned to him
After all, what is BRIX? Seventeen years ago, it was only an abbreviation created by badyst Goldman Sachs to designate the five emerging economies that grow much faster than Western economies and are therefore of interest to investors. Later, these countries turned the speculative union into a kind of real union. Its geopolitical goal – to create a multipolar world that opposes a unipolar world order led by the United States. This is not a history of the domestic economy of each country, but the experience of developing countries to appear on the world stage, to diversify external economic relations and to attract additional investment
Unlike the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), through which the US and the EU have strengthened their financial position in other countries, the BRICS have created their own structures – a development bank and a pool of foreign exchange reserves. They want, on the one hand, to invest in foreign projects that benefit them, and not in the Western world, and thus increase their own influence on these countries. On the other hand, there is a decrease in the dependence on the dollar's economic system
Does Turkey enter this club of interest? Economic Turkey looks rather attractive. In terms of GDP, it ranks 17th in the world – 848 billion dollars. By this indicator, the Turkish economy gives way to other BRICS countries. The Chinese economy, second in the world after the United States, has a GDP of over $ 12 trillion. India has a GDP of $ 2.6 trillion, Brazil $ 2 trillion and Russia $ 1.5 trillion. However, when entering BRICS, Turkey will not become a stranger immediately.
First, the economy of South Africa – another BRICS member – is much smaller and weaker. Secondly, in terms of the purchasing power of citizens per capita, Turkey exceeds not only Russia but also China. For example, Turkish GDP per capita is 27 thousand dollars, Russia 25.7 thousand dollars, China 16.2 thousand dollars. This indicator is considered more relevant for badessing the level of economic development
Turkey is also easily registered in the formal sign of BRICS unification. "The Turkish economy is one of the most dynamic economies in the world, despite the political events of recent years and the geographical proximity of the country to the hotspots," said Vladimir Rojankovski, an expert at the Financial Center. International,
In addition, Turkey is a secular country with a predominantly Muslim population, which stands out against its Islamic religious states and monarchs.
"From a geopolitical point of view, Turkey can not be replaced by any other country in the region, which is why Turkey's membership of the Russian-Chinese bloc constitutes a serious geopolitical shock for the country. 39, Europe and the United States, "adds Rozankovski.
"Turkey claims a leading role in both the Turkish and Islamic worlds, and the chances of Turkey becoming the Islamic world's leading power for Turkey are much higher than for Saudi Arabia or Turkey. Shiite Iran, "said Aleksandar Razvaev, director of the Atlantic Department of Alpariy." There is a trend – the West is gradually losing control of equities in the global economy, and the unity of NATO countries is becoming increasingly illusory. It is likely that soon Berlin and Paris will regret accepting Turkey on time in the EU. "
For BRIXS itself, especially for China and Russia as a shaping country, joining this club of new Member States with strong economies is extremely profitable, says Rojankovskii. This will help strengthen the club, geopolitically and financially
Turkey itself hopes to be among the winners in case of collapse of the world dollar area. Then, the BRICS countries will have every chance of becoming a center of regional currency areas where Turkey wants to play a leading role in the Turkish world, says Razvanev. But he noted the possible conflict between Turkey and Russia over the geopolitical interests of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (part of the Eurasian alliance with Russia)
Until now, relations between Russia and Turkey, even without the BRICS members, are at a friendly level, and since the recent cooling, there is virtually no trace. Ankara will soon become a new transit country for Russian gas to Europe (if the second branch of Turkish Stream is built). "After the agreement with Turkey for the supply of C-400 complexes, Russia has begun to consider Turkey as one of the most attractive weapons markets. also one of the few countries that, despite pressure from Washington, refused to impose sanctions on Russia.We currently have nothing to divide with Turkey, "noted Rozvaev

] Translation and edition: Йосислав Дочев

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