The ancestral ancestors of man walked confronted there are more than 3 million years The ancestral ancestors of humans stood on two legs and walked upright more than three million years ago, and this could have been done by young children, he said. "


Daily Mail. "

The discovery of scientists from Dartmouth College in the United States.They studied the skeleton of a two and a half year old African Australian girl – an ancient branch of the human family tree.It was discovered in the Dikika region of Ethiopia in 2002.

After studying the remarkably well-preserved foot of the child known as Selam, scientists discovered that our ancient ancestors were quite used to walking on two legs.

The structure of the foot, especially the toe, shows that children spent more time on trees than adults

"For the first time, we have the incredible opportunity to discover how a two-and-a-half years ago three million years ago, "said professor of heroism Jeremy de Silva, one of the leading authors of the "Study:" It is the best kept leg of a year old child it never found, "he added. "Moving on two legs is a sign that we already have a man," said the professor. He explained that climbing trees after sundown was a way to protect predators from the precarious march of children,

The fossils studied are of the same type as the famous Lucy Skull found in Ethiopia in years 1970 century He was considered the most preserved skeleton of the ancestor of man, standing. The baby Selam, however, lived 200,000 years before Lucy and was already standing

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