The attack on diesel is hysteria and the bubble – Trud


Color Stickers According to Pollution

"Diesel fighting in Europe is a global policy that has nothing to do with cleaning the air, rather it is hysteria and a bubble that will burst. "This was stated for Trud by the vice president of the Association of Automobile Importers in Bulgaria Lubomir Dorosiev. "I would not say that only petrol cars are driven in America," he added, referring to the fact that several European cities limit access to diesel cars

. "Gasoline cars also emit harmful emissions into the atmosphere – a special filter that cleans about 95 percent of the dirty gases the car drops," Dorosiev said. Despite European policies to restrict old diesel cars in the heart of the city, the prices of cars equipped with such engines in Europe and Bulgaria remain unchanged. "There is no change in demand, the diesel continues to buy," Dorosiev said, adding, "I do not see how I could have a diesel car and even forbid me to buy diesel. enter the city center. "

255,000 used cars from abroad, including 90% diesel, "said Lubomir Dorosiev. This means that a year in the country has imported 230,000 diesel cars. Regarding the Bulgarians' preference for used cars, Dorosiev said that in big cities, people most often take a car at 10, and in the smaller ones in about 15 years with a budget from about 5000 levs. Regarding the budget needed to buy a used car, Dorosiev explained that the old Korean cars imported into the country are mainly sold for 6-7 thousand leva, and for a European car up to 10 years are paid around 30,000 leva.The second-hand supply of cars is much larger In addition, cars are not the biggest cause of pollution. "Some of the biggest causes of pollution are trucks, not to mention heating with solid fuel and cleaning the streets," he said.

In Bulgaria, several options are being considered for changing taxes, the purpose of which is officially to stimulate the purchase of greener cars. A few months ago, Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov said that a change in the local tax for cars and for the older, which pollute more, could be considered higher. Recently, the firm has increased environmental taxes for the registration of a car. For a car older than 10 years, the fees went from BGN 267 to BGN 310. However, the tax increase does not allow a person working for 1,000 BGN a month to buy a new car for 30,000 BGN, commented the financiers. It is also discussed the possibility for cars to be placed stickers, which show how much pollute the air. The idea is to have three colors – green for those who pollute at least (Euro 5 and 6), yellow for Euro 3 and 4, and red for older cars – Euro 1 and 2. L & # 39; The idea is that mayors have the right to ban traffic in the center of the city from cars with a yellow or red sticker

According to the KAT

[19659004] Only 495 are on the electricity

Stefan Kyuchukov,

The number of gasoline and diesel cars in the country is equal. Of a total of 3,645 million cars, exactly 44.4% is the share of gasoline and diesel. But this data includes both light cars and trucks. If you only look at the car data, things change. Gasoline cars are 1.374 million and have a 49.5% share. While diesel has a share of 42.9%. The other cars are equipped with a gas bottle, hybrid or electric. There are only 495 electric cars in the country, and 4251 are hybrids.

For trucks, the proportion of fuel used is different. Of the 367,000 trucks, more than 85% are diesel and only 11.8% are gasoline engines

These figures clearly show what are the preferences. Diesel trucks are used for trucks because they are more economical. Last year, more diesel cars were imported into the country, but until recently people's preferences were on gasoline, so their numbers are greater. When buying a car, there are a number of other factors that influence the choice other than fuel consumption. Many people are convinced that old diesel cars burn harder in the winter. With newer cars, there is no difference if they are gasoline or diesel, but in the more than 20 years the situation is different. When choosing a car, whether it is an essence or a diesel, one lets oneself be guided by one's personal preferences


We drive vehicles aged 20 years

  On average 5000 BGN is the budget that the Bulgarian spends
In Bulgaria more than 41% of the cars have more than 20 years, showed a Trud audit in the traffic police data to 1 June 2018. A total of 3,645 million vehicles were registered in Bulgaria. Of these, more than 1,494 million are over 20 years old. The main reason for this is low income. Almost no one would have a carcbad in over 20 years if they could afford a better and newer car, commented the financiers. The other 1 million cars are also quite old – 15-20 years old. They have a share of 27.5% of all cars registered in the country. Almost 20% are between 11 and 15 years old and 6.7% are between 6 and 10 years old. Less than 5% of the cars in the country are under 5 years old and can be said to be almost new

In Athens and Thessaloniki, they want 5 or 6 euros

  There are eco-networks in Paris that are paid for by air pollution
There are eco-networks in Paris that are paid by air pollution

measures against the use of diesel cars in their central parts. In Paris, for example, the older the car, the more the driver pays for it to move to the city center. The eco-carts for cars are clbadified in six categories, according to the emissions, the year of production and the engine of the car

In several German cities – Berlin, Cologne, Hanover and Milan, 39 Italy has also introduced eco-networks. In Milan, to go downtown with a petrol or diesel car, you pay € 5 per day. This is why many locals buy hybrids. The Supreme Administrative Court in Germany has allowed local authorities to stop diesel cars for a while. As a result, in Hamburg, they placed a sign with a stop sign to enter parts of the center where it is forbidden to enter diesel cars and trucks that do not respect the. Euro 6. In Athens and Thessaloniki, only diesel cars may be driven are Euro 5 or 6.

Internal Combustion Engines

Irish authorities have announced their intention to ban the use of any vehicle with internal combustion engines, regardless of their fuel. According to Prime Minister Leo Varadar, the ban will soon not be in force, but when that happens, Ireland will be one of the most environmentally friendly countries in Europe .

In the United Kingdom, the idea of ​​a total refusal Internal combustion to come into force in 2040, but a group of mayors insisted to the Minister of Ecology Michael Gow, 10 years earlier. But in the past, such an initiative is not accepted by the US authorities.

In California, India and parts of China, a complete ban on the sale of gasoline and diesel cars is in preparation. The same is true for Norway, where the authorities planned to introduce the limitation by 2025, but then changed their strategy and now encourage drivers to transmit electric and hybrid vehicles

. In 1967, the electric car was the only fuel on the market, with only about 1% of its fuel efficient cars. [19609004]

Their total figure in the EU, according to the latest Eurostat data for 2016. The biggest exception is Poland , where the share of these cars is 16%, because of the large number of gas cars. The share of alternative fuel cars is also in Lithuania (10%), Italy and Latvia – 8%.

Although the citizens of Sofia believe that cars in the streets are too numerous, the number of cars in Bulgaria is lower than the EU average, data emission of Eurostat. There are 443 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants in the EU and 505 in the EU Most cars per 1,000 inhabitants are in Luxembourg (660), Italy (625) and Malta (615). . The reverse poles are Romania (261), Hungary (338) and Latvia (341). In Germany, cars registered per 1000 persons are 555.

Carbon dioxide or dust

Diesel cars are expected to fall to 5% of the automotive market the EU by 2030, a study said, quoted by the BBC. The rejection of diesel will, however, make it even more difficult for the EU to achieve its carbon reduction targets. Diesel has even been promoted as more environmentally friendly than gasoline as part of the EU's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and in particular carbon dioxide . Although diesel fuel contains a little more carbon, the overall carbon dioxide emissions of the average diesel car are lower than those of gasoline cars. Diesel engines, however, generate higher levels of nitrogen oxides and fine particles – small particles of soot

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