The currency in circulation has increased by almost 11% at the end of June


/ CROSS / At the end of June, the outstanding amount of currency in circulation exceeded BGN 15.768 billion, or 10.93% or BGN 1.553 billion in one year

. (1966), BNB, reported by Investor.BG

The central bank recalls that during the previous one-year period (June 2016 – June 2017) growth was higher both in percentage terms (12, 30%) than of absolute value (1.557 billion BGN).

The BNB experts estimate that between April and June, the money in circulation increased by BGN 521.3 million or 3.42% compared to late March. Their growth is 0.36 percentage points below that recorded for the same period last year. The highest monthly growth (1.68%) in the second quarter of 2018, the currency in circulation was recorded in June

At the end of last month, the share of the notes in the total value of the currency in circulation was 97.50%, down 0.01 percentage point in the second quarter from the end of March

The average banknote outstanding at the end of the second quarter amounted to BGN 34.90, decrease of 0.05 BGN compared to end March March and an increase of 1.05 BGN compared to the end of 2017.

For a period of one year, the value increased by 1.60 BGN , or and 4.82% because of the higher growth rate than other denominations in the circulation of the number of BGN 50 and BGN 100 notes and the gradual and continuous replacement of the two-tier note by a coin, BNB activity of the NBB for the period from April to June

At June 30, the share of the coins of cir The value of the currency in circulation was 2.45% and in the second quarter 0.01 pp. compared to the end of the first quarter

The average value of the circulation coin in circulation at the end of June 2018 remained at BG 0.16 as was the case at the end of 2017. The NBB has indicated that the value of the period increases by 0.01 BGN due to the continuous circulation of the coin with a par value of BGN 2.

More counterfeit banknotes and coins and falsified

For the period from April to June The BNB National Analysis Center has arrested a total of 252 counterfeit Bulgarian banknotes circulating in the currency circulation Compared to the first quarter of 2018, the counterfeit paper money is 108.

The proportion of counterfeit bank notes held in the second quarter of the total number of banknotes in circulation at the end of June was 0.000057%. In the total number of forged banknotes, the largest part of the denomination is 20 levs (68.25%), which represents 0.000134% of the total number of these denominations

In the structure of banknotes the remaining circumscribed counterfeit banks are those of BGN 50 and BGN 10, 21.83% and 8.33%, respectively.

For the period from April to June, four counterfeit stones were arrested but not banknotes caught from BGN 2 and 5.

The central bank recorded and detained a total of 127 counterfeit coins , of which 6 were 2 levs, In the second quarter of this year, 183 euros, 101 dollars and 68 tickets from other foreign currencies were captured on the territory of the country in the second quarter of this year

Banknotes and coins in circulation

At the end of June there are 440.4 million banknotes, or 15.1 million, or 3.54% more than the end of March. During the same period, their total value increased by 3.41% (BGN 507.6 million) to BGN 15.375 billion as at 30 June

. The largest share (29.16%) of the total number of outstanding notes at the end of the second quarter of this year is the denomination of 20 BGN, as of June 30 outstanding are 128.4 million of these denominations. The smallest proportion (5.48%) of the number of notes in circulation is the two-tiered bill.

At the end of March 2018, the following changes occurred in the number of notes in circulation: and 100 BGN decreased by 0.58 and 0.21 pp respectively, while the BGN 5, 10, 20 and 50 denominations increased by 0.03, 0.29, 0.28 and 0.19 pp, respectively. the one-year period (June 2017 – June 2018), notes in circulation increased by 23.9 million (5.73%) and 1.501 billion leva (10.82%)

compared at the end of June in the structure by number of notes in circulation the levs of BGN 2 and BGN 20 decreased respectively by 2.34 and 1.06 percentage points, while those of BGN 5, 10, 50 and 100 increased 0.16, 0.31, 2.21 and 0.72 percentage points, respectively

The trend of previous periods for the expected annual rate of increase in the circulation of money denominations of BGN 50 and 100 is maintained compared to other types

The increase in the circulation of these cuts has and the annual increase in the number and value of outstanding notes. At the end of June, the total value of the 50 BGNs in circulation was BGN 6,154 billion, which gave them the largest share (40.04%) of the value structure of paper money in circulation and the share of weakest (1962)

Silver Metal Dynamics

At the end of June, there were 2,350 billion circulation coins, which amounted to 37, 8000000. , or 1.63% more than at the end of March. During the same period, their total value increased by BGN 13.7 million or 3.69% and by the end of June by BGN 386 million.

On an annual basis, the trend to increase the number of circulation coins in circulation of all nominees remains. For a period of one year, their total number in circulation increased by 157.3 million (7.17%) and their value by 52.6 million BGN (15.76%).

In the circulation of species, the number of high denomination coins (50 stotinki, 1 and 2 levs) increases rapidly (1965003) The central bank estimates that for one year the number of 50 stotinki coins has increased by 9% or 9.5 million, and BGN 1 – 8.51%, or 11.4 million. Even more significant is the increase in circulation in the circulation of the number of pieces per BGN 2 – by 60.64%, which is an increase with 15.1 million units. At the end of June 2018, the total number of coins with a nominal value of BGN 2 was 40 million.

For the other nominees, the annual growth rate was about 5.82% for coins. from 1 stotinki to 6.75% for 5 cent coins. The largest share (29.59%) of the total circulation coins at the end of the second quarter of this year are stotinki coins, and on June 30 there are 695.5 million coins with this denomination. The number of coins with a nominal value of 2 BGN is the lowest (1.70%).

At the end of March 2018, the number of circulation coins in circulation reduced by 1, 2, 10, 20 and 50 stotinkas by 0.08, 0.03, 0.04, 0.03 and 0, 01 points respectively

For the same period, the parts shares of 1 BGN and BGN 2 increase by 0.04 and 0.15 percentage points respectively. The number of coins with a par value of 5 cents gave them a share of 11.01% as at the end of March

. The value of circulation coins in circulation has also maintained its growth trend in recent years. The main pieces of BGN 1 and BGN 2 are the main contribution to their total increase in value

The total value of 1 BGN coins in circulation at the end of June is 145.1 million leva, which gives them the largest share (37.59%) of the value of circulation coins in circulation. With the smallest share (1.80%), the coin value is 1 stotink

At the end of the first quarter of this year in the outstanding circulation coin value structure of 1.44 percentage points the share of coins BGN 2, which resulted in a decrease of 0.04, 0.07, 0.07, 0.17, 0.27 shares of the other nominal 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 stotinki and 1 BGN 1 respectively, 0.32 and 0.50 percentage points

Changes in the structure of the value of circulating coins in circulation for a period of one year are mainly attributable to the. effect of the entry into circulation of the double-leafed room. This resulted in a reduction in all other nominal shares of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 stotinki and BGN 1 of 0.17, 0.27, 0.29, 0.64, 0.99, respectively. 0, 92 and 2.51 percentage points

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