The Dutch made a linen and sugar electromobile ::


  Photographers from the Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands showed a prototype of a biodegradable electric car.

Photographers from the Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands showed a prototype of a biodegradable electric car. The panels, the frame and the interior details are made of flax fiber and sugar.

The electric current consumption of the model is equivalent to the consumption of one liter of fuel per 300 km

At the base of the Noah electric car, there is a frame of sandwich panels with flax seeds and bioplastmas (sugar-based)

The body panels are made of linen bedding badociated with biogum. It is noted that for the production of biomaterials, six times less energy is needed than for the production of aluminum or carbon

At the same time, the linen panels are strong enough and even appropriate to create deformation zones

is driven by an electric motor whose power is not mentioned. The weight of the battery is 60 kilograms, and the car is 420 kilograms. With a single load, the model can go up to 240 km and its maximum speed is 110 km / h

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