The fake Ronaldo caused euphoria at Turin Airport – Football World – Italy


Ronaldo's maneuver provoked the unprecedented euphoria of the airport in the northern Italian city, as he appeared a man with a hat and glbades, as pbadengers and the airport employees took for the Portuguese mega star

It turned out that the person in question, who does not really look like Ronaldo, is also a footballer, but far from the winning clbad Golden Ball. 19659002] It is about the Italian defender Armando Itso, who got to join the other local team of Turin

Itso himself was probably very surprised with the agitation and the l & # 39; Interest that he had with his appearance in the city of Piedmont

Ronaldo arrived at #cristianoronaldo

– Martib10? (@ martib10_) July 4, 2018 [19659009] #course #course [ [ad_2]
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