The final secret of God Of War was found, not satisfying enough


God Of War has been a huge success and it's the most favorite game of all players right now. Each PS4 player rushed to complete the game because the story was very addictive, but there were also some Easter eggs and hidden secrets to watch out for. Everyone thought they had found everything until Cory Barlog revealed that there was still one left.

Cory Barlog revealed at San Diego's Comic-Con that there is still a secret that no one has yet found who has forced every God Of War player to The Furious Pursuit has finally was found surprisingly and what is disappointing for some is that it does not come with hidden kinematics.

Cory Barlog revealed that this secret is hidden somewhere inside Kratos' house and since everyone has guessed what it really is. A subscript called GodOfWarSecrets is dedicated to finding all the secrets in the game and they were once again the first to discover the ultimate secret of the game.

These users worked hard to find and collect all the pieces to solve the puzzle . It turned out to be an easter egg with an important spoiler of history that you would not be happy if you did not finish the game so be aware that there are some spoilers in front.

If you hate spoilers or have not finished the game then do not read further. The secret is in the four corners of the house and if you look closely, they reveal the true identity of Atreus who is "Loki". One can find four runes that spell Loki which is also revealed by Kratos himself at the end of the game.

Other than that, A recent employment listing by Santa Monica has surfaced that tells us that the next episode of the series is already under construction.

Have you found the last secret yet? Let us know in the comments below.

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