The food of Joti ice cream was very oily – Curious


Scientists revealed what was the last meal of a frozen hunter in the Alps 5300 years ago reported the world news agency.

It consisted of mostly fat – 50 percent chamois, deer and whole grains of spelled. In the stomach of Joci also has traces of ferns and spores. He may have eaten fern mistakenly or as a medicine for parasites previously found in his gut.

The Iceman Yodzi man wore bear clothes

The owl mummy was studied very thoroughly, but not the stomach because it seemed to be lacking. It turned out that mummification was much misplaced, scientists at the institute in Bolzano explained .

The Iceman was discovered during a scan in 2009.

Found Frozen Blood Cells in the Wreck of Iced Man

Fatty Food is a fairly logical choice from the height of who had lived and found his body, said microbiologist Frank Maykser, head of research.

The heights and cold are exhausted, and therefore high energy food is needed. Iotzi seems to have realized that fats are an excellent source of energy

The Yotzi butterfly was found in 1991 in an alpine glacier. It gives a lot of information because it is remarkably preserved. Specialists think that he was a hunter or warrior because he was carrying a bow, arrows and an ax. He was killed around 3250 BC.

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