Wilmer Valderrama, known in the series Seems Years and War Crimes, visited his former girlfriend Demi Lovato at the hospital. The famous pop singer went there urgently Tuesday after taking a drug overdose at a party.
Lovato and Valderama were inseparable until 2016 when they ended their six-year relationship. But they are always very close. He is one of the first visitors of Half in the hospital. The staff revealed that she seemed worried and sad upon her arrival when she was nearly two hours to the singer's bed
It is said that during the last month, Demi has taken drugs repeatedly under bad conditions. company and had a problem with his addiction therapy.
The singer has repeatedly spoken of the difficult and rough communication between her and her father . There are also several songs published on the subject. Patrick died of cancer in 2013 at age 53. After his death, Lovato announced that he was mentally ill and, on his honor, based on a program to help treat people with similar problems
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