The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia adopted a statement of support for NATO's candidacy


Moscow / Athens. Why Greece enters into controversy with Russia, the Russian daily "The View"
The Greek Foreign Ministry has decided not to limit the expulsion of Russian diplomats and continues to stir tension in the scandal, entering into controversy with Maria Zaharova, who has tried to soften the situation. Athena accused the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry of having misunderstood Greek foreign policy and disrespectful sovereignty, according to the publication
The sudden diplomatic crisis between Greece and Russia, provoked by the unprecedented action of Athens – the decision to expel two Russian diplomats, has further deteriorated. Russian Ambbadador to Athens, Andrei Maslov, said Thursday that the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Greece, scheduled for September, is no longer up to date.
Maslov added that Moscow has also made a decision to expel Greek diplomats. Deadlines and number of Greek diplomats expelled by Moscow are still unknown
The diplomatic scandal between Greece and Russia erupted on July 11 after the expulsion of two Russian diplomats and the ban on the entry of two other diplomats was announced in the Athens press. They have been accused of interfering with Greek internal affairs and weakening national security
As the newspaper "Zglyad" writes, the case is unprecedented in light of the good relations between Moscow and Athens, which has not happened yet. If tensions arose on various issues and the expulsion of diplomatic personnel (which was also very rare) was the subject of minimal publicity. Nevertheless, relations with the government of Alexis Tsipras, despite expectations, have become more and more cool, writes the newspaper.
According to the Greek media, the reason is the agreement between Greece and Macedonia to change the name of the former Balkan state, but Russia has not reacted enthusiastically. The Greek editions have even written that Moscow could block the agreement at the UN Security Council. The Russian Foreign Ministry categorically rejected such an opportunity, and State Department spokeswoman Maria Zaharova said the Greek country was under unprecedented pressure and that Greece was involved in a very difficult game. complex
The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published on its website a statement on Zaharova's statements, described as "gossip statements", "a typical example of disrespect towards a third party" and misunderstanding "of the modern world in which the states , whatever their size, and can conduct an independent, democratic and multilateral foreign policy. "This is a demonstration of the mentality of people," who do not understand the principles and values ​​of Greek foreign policy, "continue the Greeks
The statement also indicates that the same "negative logic", like that of Zaharova, prompted four Russian citizens "to take measures that led to their expulsion and the ban on entering Greece". At the same time, he added The Greek Foreign Ministry tried to perceive the actions of these citizens as unrelated to the official foreign policy of Russia. "However, the statement of the spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry shows that he approves these illegal activities". adding that Russia "must stop with a constant lack of respect for Greece" and "no one has the right and can not interfere in the country's internal affairs"
Dennis Zelixon, senior researcher at the Department of Black Sea and Mediterranean Studies of the Institute of Europe's Academy of Sciences of Russia, says that statements like Maria Zaharova are a normal practice and show the direction of the country's foreign policy. . In addition, it is normal to have an official response from the other side – in this case Greece.
According to Zelixon, this situation should not be considered anti-trick and that of Athens in unprecedented pressure. According to him, the impact of Greek foreign policy is on the European Union and it is about the harmonization of foreign policy and relations between Greece and the United States remain tense
But this is not the case of the Greek journalist Nicos Fidropoulos: if it is really only an isolated case, all the possible disagreements can be solved by the internal channels without being phoned not to give a public response, Fidiropoulos told the newspaper. The noise around this whole story is in conflict with the traditional relations between the two countries in his opinion
According to him, such publicity is caused by the domestic political situation of the country where the "Macedonian map" is used by the opposition to come to power, and by the dependence of the foreign policy of Athens vis-à-vis international financial institutions. the country. Athens (19659003)

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