The Huawei Smart City Concept


Imagine a city of the future where street cameras recognize floods, floods of rivers and cbads, and if you're away from home, these cameras can signal and let you know if your house is in trouble. Is not flooded. The same applies to fires, utilities, electricity problems, gas leaks …

This is the concept of smart cities of Chinese giant Huawei technology . Futuristic solutions using artificial intelligence for the benefit of human awareness and security were presented today by the company during an event at the Hilton Sofia hotel. .

"We are entering a new world where material things can feel, everything is connected and smart," said Edwin Dender, vice president of Huwei Enterprise Business Group, at the event.

According to him, information and communication technologies will change people's lives.

Huawei develops innovations to meet the needs of consumers. It will develop joint projects with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

"Leveraging their strengths in information and communication technologies (ICTs) and research and development (R & D), we will make digital change possible We are building a smart world in its own right, "said Deender

The Huawei Smart Waves Future Project will use innovative methods of transportation, education, 5G mobile video and cloud services

but a platform that can connect multiple databases between different industries and institutions. "You can imagine this system as the city in which you live, like your street or your house, you can go up and down, left and right, back and forth, and the same goes for technology, "said Dender.

What are Smart Cities Yet? [ 1 9659002] Cameras in their streets can also be used to identify accelerated registration numbers for various other services, making the entire system a smart and intelligent operating center

. We start from a specific sector and we use existing technology in a new and different way to facilitate the daily tasks of individual municipal departments, Huawei said. In addition, we work on smart street lights with a sensor that allows you to see if there is movement in the streets, the lights go on when the person goes under the night and turn off. when they are empty.

Since coming to Central and Eastern Europe more than 15 years ago, Huawei has worked with local companies in the fields of consumer electronics, communications, education, transportation and more. , energy and finance, and actively cooperates with governments in building smart cities. Over the last 5 years, she has trained more than 15,000 ICT professionals in 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe to create qualified professionals for the development of the digital economy and digital transformation in these countries. country

Georgi Georgiev "News Manager"

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