The industry's confidence index increased by 1.3 percentage points in June ::


<img src = "" alt = "According to data from June business surveys, the indicator of confidence in the industry increased by 1.3 percentage points compared to May, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics


In April, the 39, industrial production index was down 0.8% from the corresponding month of 2017 (preliminary data.) On an annual basis, the decline in industrial production, calculated daily, was reported in the electricity , gas, steam and air conditioning 3.6%, in the extractive industry 2.4% and in manufacturing 1%., 1%.

Data from January to April on the construction also showed an increase of 0.6% compared to April 2017. On an annual basis, the growth in construction output in April, calculated e from the seasonally adjusted data, is determined by the positive construction rate, where the increase is 2.2%, while the civil / engineering construction records a decline of 1.4% 19659006] According to preliminary data , the gross domestic product (GDP) generated in the first quarter of 2018 amounted to 21.479 billion BGN at current prices. The per capita amount increases to 3,048 BGN from the value of the indicator. With a median exchange rate of $ 1.59128 per dollar, GDP stands at $ 13.498 billion and $ 1,915 per capita respectively. Recalculated in euros, the value of GDP rose to 10.982 billion euros, with a per capita amount of 1 558 euros.

Seasonally adjusted data showed 3.6% of GDP growth in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the same quarter of the previous year and 0.9% over the fourth quarter of 2017. In April , total consumer confidence increased by 1, 8 points compared to January 2018. An increase in consumer confidence is recorded in the population of cities and villages respectively of 1 and 4.1 points.

The overall consumer badessment of the country's economic situation over the past twelve months has been slightly worsened, for the next twelve months

In April, the retail business turnover , calculated on a calendar basis, increased by 5% on an annual basis. Compared with the previous year, the turnover has grown significantly in: the retail trade by mail, telephone or internet – 16.4%, the retail trade of pharmaceuticals and medical – 9.1%, retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco – 7%, retail sale of household goods, furniture and other household goods – 4.9%, retail sale of various products – 3, 3%, and retail computer hardware and communication equipment – 3.1%. A drop was recorded in the retail trade of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods by 4.3%

77.2% of the GDP produced was spent on personal consumption in the first quarter. The actual increase in the indicator compared to the corresponding quarter of 2017 is 2.9% (according to seasonally adjusted data).


In April, the average capacity of the industry is estimated at 73.7%, 3.1 points lower than the January level

] Gross fixed capital formation in the first three months of the same period of the previous year, according to seasonally adjusted data, increased by 7% in real terms. In the first quarter of the year, the total number of employees aged 15 and over was 3,099

Labor Market

million, of which $ 1.655 million was 39 men and 1.443 million women. The relative share of employed people aged 15 and over is 51.5%, up 1.5 percentage points from the same quarter of 2017. For men, this share is 57.3% and for women 46.1%

In the first quarter of the year, statistics show that the number of unemployed is 188 700, of which 111 700 (59.2%) are men and 77.1 thousand (40.8%) women

The unemployment rate is 5.7% and compared with the first quarter of last year decreased by 1.2 percentage points points. The decrease in the coefficient was higher for women (by 1.8 percentage points) than for men (by 0.5 percentage points), which resulted in a decline in the female unemployment rate from January to March. of men, respectively, 5.1 and 6.3 percentage points

According to preliminary data of the first three months of this year the total cost of employers per hour worked by their employees grew by 6.8% compared to the same period in 2017. The rise in the industry was 9.3%, in services 4.5% and in construction of 7.8 %

According to the business surveys conducted by NSI in June, 32.5% of industrial enterprises indicated the shortage of the labor force as a factor limiting their activity

In March the salary average was 1,107 BGN and increased 5.5% from the previous month. Compared to March 2017, growth was 6.9%

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