The inflationary uncertainty decreases, but the business risks remain ::


  Dear: The inflationary uncertainty decreases, but the commercial risks remain

Mario Draghi. Governor of the European Central Bank. Photo: Reuters Archive

Inflationary uncertainty declines, but business risks remain. This is one of the key messages of Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), at his press conference shortly before the ECB meeting.

"The implementation of structural reforms in the euro area countries must strengthen sustainability, reduce structural unemployment and increase productivity and growth potential in the euro area," said Draghi.

According to the banker, uncertainty about inflation prospects is expected to increase towards the end of the year, and then gradually increase in the medium term, thanks to policy measures in the pursuit of economic expansion and wage growth

. "Uncertainties remain, especially with regard to In the global trading environment, we can conclude from recent data that the euro area economy is moving on a stable and large growth trajectory," he said. Mario Draghi

The governor of the ECB has stated that the substantial strength of the butler confirms the regulator's confidence that the convergence of inflation towards the target will continue and persist even after the gradual withdrawal of domestic purchases. badets

At its meeting today, the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate of the main refinancing operations and the rates of interest. Interest rate of the marginal lending facility remains unchanged – 0.00%, 0.25% and -0.40%

The Board of Governors expects that the key interest rates of the ECB remain at their current level for at least a period which includes the summer of 2019 and, in any case, as long as necessary to ensure more sustainable inflation As regards unconventional monetary policy measures, the Governing Council will continue to make purchases net under the badet purchase program, with the current monthly rate of 30 billion end-September 2018

The Board of Governors estimates that after September 2018, baduming that the contributions confirm the medium – term forecast of the Board of Governors regarding inflation, the monthly rate of net purchases of badets will be reduced to 15 billion euros by the end of December 201 8 years, then the net purchases will end. The Board of Governors intends to reinvest capital repayments of securities maturing under the badet purchase program for an extended period after the end of the purchase. Net badets and, in any case, (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function

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